So today i went shopping with my new friend Kylee! I just love her to death! We get along so well and our personalities are so alike it's crazy. We just have the best time together. Well we went shopping at the mall today and had a grand 'ole time! Plus she introduced me to Godiva chocolates! They are amazing! Then I went to Costco with her and her husband and it was really funny to see how the two of them act together. It was a blast though! Then we went back to their apartment and invited the missionaries over and we ate pizza and had a wonderful time! The Elders are just so funny together. haha Elder Bradshaw thinks that my hiccups are sooooo funny. (Lucky for him they are constant) On monday when i was talking to the elders they said that they were going to make it their goal to get me and Kylee to laugh together (beacuse they also heard my "laugh" that night) Well they accomplished that. Eric and Elder V. Were tickling Elder B. and it was the funniest thing ever. I started laughing so everyone else was laughing too! haha it went on for like 5 min. Then Eric and elder V had a chugging contest and Elder V had his drink down in 3 gulps is seemed like. It was AMAZING. I stood there stunned forever! haha
We also drank hot chocolate and read christmas stories.... but before we started the stories Elder V was trying to start it and I sarted laughing again. This went on for like 8 min or something crazy but my stomach hurt Kylee was on the floor and Elder B was crying!!! haha Eric got some of my laugh on his camera and oh my goodness i sound crazy! But it was a really fun night and i made new friends! The Elders and Kylee and Eric and her Mom Sister M. I will never forget tonight! It was so funny i just wanted to share with everyone! =)
We also drank hot chocolate and read christmas stories.... but before we started the stories Elder V was trying to start it and I sarted laughing again. This went on for like 8 min or something crazy but my stomach hurt Kylee was on the floor and Elder B was crying!!! haha Eric got some of my laugh on his camera and oh my goodness i sound crazy! But it was a really fun night and i made new friends! The Elders and Kylee and Eric and her Mom Sister M. I will never forget tonight! It was so funny i just wanted to share with everyone! =)
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