Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 4 WOC


I'm feeling SO good right now!!! I feel like I am finally making some progress and that I really can actually do this!! First off this morning, I thought I hit the snooze button at 6:30 this morning, turns out I actually turned it off, so I woke up around 7:30ish instead, but thats okay. I ate breakfast played with my dogs a little to let the food settle. Then went to get on my bike, my dad was here this morning so he helped me with the odometer. It didn't work the first mile but we got it working for the second mile. He still wants to do some calibration on it to help me get exact numbers which will be nice.
        The first mile was fantastic!!! I felt good going up the hills (even thought they are very small hills you can still feel the difference) I didn't like getting onto the main road in the neighborhood though... so many cars!!! I need to go earlier! But the first mile went really fast! I'm pretty sure I hit every bump and dip possible on the road! My tushi is sure feeling it! haha The second one wasn't as easy, but its all a work in progress. I think next week I'm going to do 2.5 miles slowly work my way up. I'm enjoying the little successes! I am starting to feel it in my legs while riding and then after when I walk up stairs and stuff too. Yippee!!! I am so happy! I feel like even though I am doing something really small and not at the level others do it, I am accomplishing a lot for myself. The breathing is not as bad as it used to be, its still not great, but it is getting better!
This is so great! Thank you for everyone that is helping me do this, giving me encouragement and advice! It really helps!

"There are only two options regarding commitment: you're either in or you're out. There's no such thing as life in between."

I'M IN!!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 3 WOC

      Today was so much better!!! I woke up at 6:30, and thought "why am I getting up so early? I don't have to work until later." So I went back to sleep and woke up at 7:30. It was nice to get a little more sleep, I got up and had an english muffin and some milk. Got ready and left! Last night I bought some new shoes, new workout pants, an odometer (that I haven't figured out how to work yet) and a gel bicycle seat cover. Now I'm not sitting on Papa Bears bike anymore, but I'm not quite on Mama Bears or Baby Bears, but it does feel a little bit better.
      The first mile was pretty good, is was about halfway through I realized why I get up so early, Cars... there are much more cars out at 8 then there are at 7. So I think I will start going early again.
I stopped after mile one and took a small drink break, taking small sips. I felt really good after mile two, still tired, but much better than the last few days. Thank you to everyone that gave me suggestions about eating and drinking and rewards. Today was great! Maybe next week I will do 2.5 or 3 miles!

"Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body." - Lynn Jennings

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 2 WOC

What am I doing?!?!?!?!?

          Day 2 had its own adventures. It started off good! I only hit the snooze button once, the second time it went off I got up! Got some water, got my bike out, I fixed the ipod problem when I remembered I found an arm holder ipod thing, it was perfect! I got on my bike (my tushi knew exactly where it was and remembered how uncomfortable it was), then I started out on my ride feeling pretty good, then I figured out why bikers wear shorts or tight spandex pants... I was wearing my sweats which was no problem yesterday but today they were getting caught in the chain and wheel stuff, trying to pull your pant legs up while riding down the rode is a difficult task I would not like to try again, lots of wobbling. haha
           I turned onto Fairwood Blvd and then another biker passed me, like a real biker, with the spandex, biking shirt and backpack. This made me feel pretty good and I was determined to try to keep him in my sights. I did a pretty good job for a while before I had to turn. I stopped again at 1 mile, its nice because I'm just doing a loop twice, so 1 mile is my house again. I was getting a drink and became very very dizzy. I decided to take a break and sit down for a little bit, I was still super dizzy and getting nauseated. So I went inside, and just laid on the floor for a while.
            I decided that I would do the last mile, but just walk it with my dogs. They were happy to oblige. So we started walking, but they were just taking too long sniffing everything and having to mark every mail box. I just wanted to walk! So I crossed the street and turned around and took them home. They got a nice walk in a new place.
         I felt better so I told myself the I NEED to finish that last mile. So I start my second mile and right when I'm getting to the hill my ipod fell out at yesterday, determined to go go go, my keys fell out of my pocket, of course...  I turn around go and get them, found a good place to hang them on my bike. Instead of walking up the hill I really wanted to ride this whole mile, so I went back a litte and gained some speed and continued on my mile. I was breathing hard and coughing but I finished! I did it! two days in a row I rode 2 miles! Granted today there was a lot of time between each mile, but the point is I did it right?!

Here's a question, if anyone can help me, I think the reason I got dizzy and nauseated was because I didn't eat anything before I went biking, should I eat a small breakfast before I go riding? I don't know these things.

Today's quote is
"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 1 WOC

      Oy! Today did not go how I thought it would thats for sure. When my alarm went off at 6:30 this morning I really did not want to get out of bed. I kept making excuses in my mind, "I can sleep a little more" "no one would really know if I didn't go." Then my dog came in an continued to lick my face because she needed to go out, so I got up and let her out. Then I thought well I'm already up, so I may as well just go and do it. Who knows what would have happened this morning if my dog didn't need to go out or had asked my dad to let her out.

       After a little hectic time getting ready this morning I finally started riding, with my gatorade in the holder and my ipod in my ears I set off, feeling pretty good that I was up and doing what I planned on doing. Now I just had to go the 2 miles I wanted to. I learned VERY quickly that bicycle seats are one of the most uncomfortable places to put my tushi! Sheesh! There is no cushion at ALL! I may as well be sitting on a board with nails in it! Maybe it is something I will get used to? I don't know...
      The first mile went alright. I do a lot of coasting, which is nice because you aren't really doing the work, but you are still getting somewhere. haha I stopped for a little bit after the first mile, hydrated back up and tried to get my breath back, this is going to be a really long journey! I started the second mile then my ipod fell out of my pocket and made its way to the gutter, great. Luckily it still worked after skipping a few songs. Sadly it fell out right before I was going to go up a small hill, having no momentum and not a lot of energy I decided to walk the hill this time, it was pretty short so as soon as I got to the top I got back on and kept riding.

I finished! I rode 2 miles (more or less I did this loop twice my dad said was around 1 mile) I'm very glad that I did it! It was horrible! Is it possible to feel so yucky but so good at the same time? Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get up without any help. I think I'm going to try to end each post with an insparational or motivational quote. Here is today's:

 "Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving."
Dennis Waitley

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Wheels of Change

So recently I decided that I wanted to start riding my bike again, I haven't ridden it in at least 5 or 6 years, and I thought hey I could make a goal to ride a little bit more everyday, then I thought Hey! I could write a blog about what I'm feeling. I want to start the Journey and hopefully change my life.

My goal is to ride approx. 2 miles tomorrow, I know that doesn't seem like much but I want to start out small and get bigger. So 2 miles tomorrow morning and I will see how I feel after that and decide whether to go more or just stay on the 2 miles for a few days. Tonight I got on a bike for the first time in a while and started relearning how to ride a bike, I went around my block and there were tiny hills, and I was huffing a puffing, I am so out of shape. I want to get better I want to get healthier.

SO I'm hoping to write a blog everyday after I ride, I will probably take Sundays off, but I want to try to ride ever other day. I don't know how many people are actually going to read this but thanks for reading it if you do! I'm going to need all the support I can get. Love you all!
