Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 9 WOC

     Well I have been very lazy these past few days. I did not ride at all on tuesday or wednesday. I was going to get up this morning and go riding but I decided to sleep in instead. I have really put it off. I was giving up! I didn't want to do it anymore. I wouldn't be hurting anyone.... I felt a little bad, but not that much... So I decided to punish/push myself.
      I did go today, I like going in the evening. It's really nice. I told myself that I was going to have to make up the 2 days that I missed because I was lazy. I was going to do 3 sets of 3 miles this eveing. While on the ride I decided why don't I just do 2 sets of 4.5 miles, I took a break at 1.5 miles and dranks some water and did the same thing at 4 miles. It was then I decided to go 6 miles today and 6 miles tomorrow. That would make up the 2 days.
     So today I went SIX MILES!!!!!!!!! Only stopping twice, having some good sized hills in there. SIX MILES!!! I can't believe it. It was a punishment for sure, but I feel really great about it and I'm excited to do the next 6 miles tomorrow. What I can't decide is how many to do on saturday? Today and tomorrow are making up not doing the two days of 3 miles, but once I'm caught up do I go back down to 3 miles or should I only go down to maybe 5..... thoughts?

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
~Thomas A. Edison


  1. Woo! Good job! :) I wish I would make myself go 6 miles.. I'd say to do as much as you can do without wearing yourself out or causing your body harm. If you can only do 3 miles every day then do 3, but more power to you if you can do 5 every day!

  2. You are a rock star!! It's amazing how easy it is to add the mileage once you begin and stick to it for a while. So proud of you!!!
